Created for Necessity, Employed for Passion

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

Let's build a world. Explore what we believe by writing. In many ways my characters’ experiences with fate, destiny and free-will mirror my own. What is up to us and what isn’t? It’s one of the great questions of the human experience, I think. But no matter what is for us to control, we must own the identity. You’re a writer if you write. Period. Writing is a lovely way to spend one’s time. Enjoy it. And I hope you enjoy my writing here.

Friday, May 18, 2012

First School Visit!

Yesterday I went on my first school visit to MS 88 Peter Rouget Middle School in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Torrey Maldonado, 6th grade English Language Arts Teacher, was kind enough to host myself and authors Danette Vigilante and Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich.

You guys, Torrey is like a TV teacher, he really is. Dynamic, smart, fun, creative, someone who (it is clear) has the utmost respect from his class. I left there feeling totally inspired...thanks, Torrey! 

And the kids...the kids were AMAZING. They asked the greatest questions and were totally engaged. One of them asked me if I had won any awards. We made a deal...two years time, same place, some accolades. 

Enjoy the pics below! I hope I get to visit more schools because I got to say....major job perk. 



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